28 Insurance Group

Unlocking the Power of Comprehensive Insurance Coverage: A Crucial Lesson for All

Home 5 Business Insurance 5 Unlocking the Power of Comprehensive Insurance Coverage: A Crucial Lesson for All

Aug 8, 2023 | Business Insurance

I recently had the opportunity to delve into the linked article from USA Today that delves into the heart-wrenching boat accident that claimed the life of the beloved Mallory Beach. This poignant article shed light on the sobering fact that a substantial settlement, exceeding a staggering $15,000,000, was involved.

As someone who’s been immersed in the realm of insurance brokering for over a decade, my thoughts naturally gravitated towards a profound contemplation: insurance brokering extends far beyond merely dishing out cheap quotes. It’s about ensuring our clients’ security without burdening them with exorbitant insurance premiums. Insurance, admittedly, isn’t the most eagerly embraced expense. Nobody relishes those annual premium payments. It’s an invisible safety net that often goes unnoticed until the moment of truth arrives – the moment when we need it most, only to realize it might not be enough to cover our vulnerabilities.

But let’s dig deeper. How does the average person navigate the labyrinth of insurance coverage types, assess appropriate limits, and discern the specific risk mitigations required for their unique circumstances? When I engage with a new client, it’s not just about following common sense; it’s about crafting a strategic and thoughtful approach to the insurance coverage they truly need.

There’s a recurring conversation that echoes through my interactions with potential clients – the infamous “provide me with a quote.”


This prompts me to ponder: does the client truly comprehend what a quote signifies and why they’re seeking it? Sometimes, it’s driven by a bank loan necessity or a contractual requirement with a vendor. So they dial up various brokerages, proclaiming their need for a quote. For me, the most gratifying aspect of my work lies in enlightening clients about the intricacies of insurance coverage. It’s about helping them grasp the nuances of each coverage, how they could potentially manifest in real-world scenarios, and empowering them to make decisions based on knowledge and foresight.

Recently, our team embarked on a collaboration with a bar/restaurant establishment. The story is a familiar one – the client wanted a quote upfront. However, upon deeper exploration, it emerged that this establishment had been operating for months without any insurance coverage whatsoever. This isn’t an anomaly; it’s a scenario that surfaces more often than one might think. Why? Because, as I’ve mentioned earlier, insurance payments aren’t met with enthusiasm. We all get it. But here’s the thing: how can a business continue to operate without any safety net in place? It’s baffling, but it’s a reality.

In this market climate, a quick online quote might be convenient, but does it truly encapsulate the protection needed for a bar/restaurant establishment? Did it consider the nuances of liquor liability, Business Income, Extra Expense, or Ordinance coverage? The list of essential considerations is exhaustive.

Reflecting on the article’s featured convenience store owner, I can’t help but imagine that if someone had suggested an Umbrella Policy to extend coverage across all facets of their operations, it might have garnered a scoff or two. “Too expensive,” they might have said. And yet, the twist of fate reveals a bitter irony – that the investment in comprehensive coverage could have alleviated the staggering $15,000,000 settlement burden.

So, as we traverse the intricate landscape of insurance coverage, let’s embrace the lessons learned from Mallory Beach’s story. Let’s acknowledge that insurance isn’t a mere expense but a safety net for the unforeseen. It’s about striking the delicate balance between affordability and protection. And, most importantly, it’s about being informed, making educated decisions, and choosing coverage that serves as a shield against the storms life may throw our way. If you’re seeking clarity on how to fortify your defenses, feel free to reach out. It’s about more than just a quote – it’s about safeguarding what truly matters.

Let us help you understand the commercial insurance buying process and together we will learn what’s right for you, the client.

Contact us today via our online form, or give our office a call at Northern California (530) 681-1981 or Southern California (559) 930-9109 today!